Blinded By Privilege
I really haven’t said much about the current events of the world. A lot because I don’t know what to say, and a lot because it hurts my soul.
The news has been a scary place for the last few months, Corona-virus was everywhere and the stories weren’t getting better. In all honesty, I have started avoiding the intake of news for my own mental health. Then last week a new story broke, it was even scarier and more heart wrenching.
How is this our world?
I can promise you I will fumble, I will not always have the right words, I probably won’t always say the right things, but I will ALWAYS have the right heart, and I am trying.
Trying to make a better world with equality for all. A world that not only benefits my children but all children. A world where their friends don’t have to be frightened about their futures specifically for the colour of their skin. Hard conversations are not supposed to be comfortable, if it was easy the problem would already be solved. Let’s come together to create a better world, and start having the hard conversations.
Below are some Instagram accounts I have started to follow. They offer some great information and resources. I encourage you to look at the information they share, and find some resources of your own to educate your self and find your place in change.
Taylor Nolan – Taylor has an amazing podcast Let’s Talk About It -Podcast. I recommend looking for the episode ‘White People’ as it is filled with amazing information and she has a great conversation with Robin DiAngelo.
The Conscious Kid – This is an amazing resource for finding books to help in explaining racism to your children. They have a patron page you can visit to support the team for the information they have complied.
Rachel Cargle – Another great resource for your children. She does a story time on IGTV and my daughter has absolutely loved listening to her. Rachel also provides places you can donate and gives lots of suggestions for ways you can help in #BlackLivesMatter.
Ashley Spivey – I have found Ashley’s stories to be very helpful and she highlights many accounts she follows. She also shares many stories and realities not featured in the news, so I have found that to be a great resource in navigating through the media right now.
Janea Brown – Not only does Janea have the most beautiful home. But she also has a great highlight called “Black Lives” with information and resources to help in educating yourself.
Trevor Noah also has a meaningful video on The Daily Show that I highly suggest watching. He really breaks down the domino effect of how he feels we have landed where we are today.
I have also started reading This Book is Anti-Rascist: 20 Lessons on How to Wake Up, Take Action, and Do The Work (I have linked it on Amazon for the Kindle if you are interested.) This is probably a good read for young teenagers as well – I found it when looking for books for my daughter and decided it would be a good place to start for myself as well.
Let’s not let the conversation end here, as the days and weeks go on I hope you continue to educate yourself and finds ways to help in a way that feels authentic to your heart. If you have more resources you’d like to share, I would love to see them.

“In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be antiracist.” Angela Davis.

Breakfast Of Champions

The (kinder) Graduate
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