
Our parenting category.

  • Kids,  Parenting

    Separation Anxiety – how is your little coping?

    Picture this, you are 4 months into the school year. Your littlest is in their first year of kindergarten. It has been an ongoing struggle to help them regulate their emotions in the after-school crash. BUT, they are also flourishing…

  • Kids,  Parenting

    Letting My Kids Decide

    If you are on social media (and who isn’t these days!?) I am sure you have seen those you follow post pictures of their children, heck you may even do it to, I sure do! Whenever I am creating a…

  • Kids,  Parenting

    Potty Training – The Do’s & Don’ts

    If you are an earlier listener to the podcast you may have heard me talk about the absolute nightmare potty training my (then) 2 year old was. Now that we have seen the light I thought it would be a…

  • Parenting

    Tools to Help With Virtual Learning

    We are one week into our 4th session of virtual learning. The first time we were here my daughter was in year 2 of kindergarten and my office had just closed, the whole situation was such a crazy concept. We…

  • Kids,  Learning,  Parenting

    Another September Has Arrived

    August slipped away into a moment in time ‘Cause it was never mine Oh man, there isn’t a Taylor Swift lyric that doesn’t fit in life. Here we are, another August has slipped away and we are getting ready for…

  • Kids,  Parenting

    Good Night, Sweet Dreams – Please Stay IN BED!

    Saying good-bye to your child’s crib is a big milestone, a very bittersweet one. There is no specific recommended age for transitioning to a toddler bed. Some parents do it as early as 15 months and others not until after 3…

  • Parenting

    The 12 Gifts of Christmas

    If you follow me over on Instagram, you know that I just wrapped up a giant gift away series. 2020 has been a hard year, no matter who you are the pandemic has effected you in some way large or…

  • Kids,  Learning,  Parenting

    Back to School!

    September has a weird feel to it this year. Let’s face it, the whole year has felt off! Summer will be starting Grade One, and we have made the choice to send you back to the classroom. Depending on where…