Pillsbury Breakfast Scramble Squares
The simplest recipe. Start to finish is about 17 minutes, and the kiddos loved it.
Ingredient List
- 4-5 large eggs
- 1 package of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
- Salt and Pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 375C
(Baking the crescent rolls follow the instructions on the package)
Making the Squares
- Crack your eggs in frying pan add a dash of salt and pepper
(I used Gustus Vitae – Blue Cheese Salt. I first discovered them in my FabFitFun box and have been hooked on their salts and spices ever since) - Mix eggs up and begin scrambling them in your pan.
- Once cooked through, remove pan from heat.
- Open crescent rolls, un-roll them. Press two triangles together at their seam to make a rectangle.
You will then fill your rectangles on one side with egg and fold over to create a square.
This will make 4 Scramble Square - Place in oven and bake for between 9-11 minutes. I took them out at 10 minutes & they are perfect.
Serve and enjoy!
(my husband prefers his drizzled with Canadian Maple Syrup – so give that a go)