Pillsbury Breakfast Scramble Squares

The simplest recipe. Start to finish is about 17 minutes, and the kiddos loved it.  

Ingredient List 

  • 4-5 large eggs
  • 1 package of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 375C

(Baking the crescent rolls follow the instructions on the package)


Making the Squares

  1.  Crack your eggs in frying pan add a dash of salt and pepper 
    (I used Gustus Vitae – Blue Cheese Salt. I first discovered them in my FabFitFun box and have been hooked on their salts and spices ever since)
  2. Mix eggs up and begin scrambling them in your pan.
  3. Once cooked through, remove pan from heat.
  4. Open crescent rolls, un-roll them. Press two triangles together at their seam to make a rectangle.
    You will then fill your rectangles on one side with egg and fold over to create a square.
    This will make 4 Scramble Square
  5. Place in oven and bake for between 9-11 minutes. I took them out at 10 minutes & they are perfect.

Serve and enjoy!
(my husband prefers his drizzled with Canadian Maple Syrup – so give that a go)